LBM155: NEW - How to Achieve 100% Certainty Your Proposals are Priced Correctly
Ever sat there anxiously hovering over the "send" button on a proposal? What if it's priced too high? Do you have everything covered in your bid?
As your business grows, you end up quoting bigger jobs, or new lines of work that you haven't quoted before. And when a client rejects the job or ghosts you, it's easy to start doubting yourself and wonder to yourself if your proposals are priced too high.
That's what this session is all about. Building a proposal that you are 100% certain is priced correctly. Not too high, not too low. The confidence this creates in your own mind is key to winning jobs at the right price. The lack of this confidence is what makes you cave to pressure and negotiate with your client, where you end up negotiating your profit away.
What we'll cover: How to get the "math" part of quoting jobs on point Tracking jobs to build confidence your original estimate was right.
What to bring: Your laptop Your numbers (Profit & Loss statement for 2023, or anything that tells us where your expenses were for 2023) A real estimate you did recently
Objectives: Real Working Session! Bring your numbers and learn what YOU need to mark up your costs when quoting Learn what you should charge per hour Understand how to recover overhead expenses effectively Be 100% confident on your next proposal
Who this is for: Business owners who want solid confidence in their proposals. This will be a beginner to intermediate workshop on how to use budgeting to dial in your numbers and get the math right.
LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 20
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Weston Zimmerman, Synkedup
Date: Thursday February 29, 2024 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Seminars main menuEver sat there anxiously hovering over the "send" button on a proposal? What if it's priced too high? Do you have everything covered in your bid?
As your business grows, you end up quoting bigger jobs, or new lines of work that you haven't quoted before. And when a client rejects the job or ghosts you, it's easy to start doubting yourself and wonder to yourself if your proposals are priced too high.
That's what this session is all about. Building a proposal that you are 100% certain is priced correctly. Not too high, not too low. The confidence this creates in your own mind is key to winning jobs at the right price. The lack of this confidence is what makes you cave to pressure and negotiate with your client, where you end up negotiating your profit away.
What we'll cover: How to get the "math" part of quoting jobs on point Tracking jobs to build confidence your original estimate was right.
What to bring: Your laptop Your numbers (Profit & Loss statement for 2023, or anything that tells us where your expenses were for 2023) A real estimate you did recently
Objectives: Real Working Session! Bring your numbers and learn what YOU need to mark up your costs when quoting Learn what you should charge per hour Understand how to recover overhead expenses effectively Be 100% confident on your next proposal
Who this is for: Business owners who want solid confidence in their proposals. This will be a beginner to intermediate workshop on how to use budgeting to dial in your numbers and get the math right.
LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 20
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Weston Zimmerman, Synkedup
Date: Thursday February 29, 2024 9:00 am - 3:30 pm