LBM116: NEW-Plan to Sell: Don't Fly by the Seat of Your Tractor
Seminar Cancelled
Congratulations on your budding business! Now what? Sales just don’t just magically happen. You need to establish a process to make sales happen again and again
This seminar is designed to help owners, senior decision makers, sales and service staff of landscape design,construction and maintenance companies, understand how the following sales pipeline impacts the bottom line of any organization and why tracking the conversion rates and timelines of each of the pipeline items provide the actionable intelligence you to sell.

Learn about six pipelines: Inquiry, Discovery, Proposal, Execution. Follow-up and Declines. You will also learn the importance of tracking how many customers go through your pipeline, who is buying from you, what they are buying and why some have said no.

LO member price: $0.00
Non-member price: $0.00
Maximum participants: 12
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Athena Taddei, Little Fish Big Pond Inc.
Date: Wednesday February 19, 2020 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
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