LP061: NEW - The Connection Between Plant Growth, Water and Nutrients
How do plants grow? How do water and nutrients affect this growth? Can you determine a nutrient deficiency by looking at leaves? What is the connection between the sun and water in the soil? Why do plants work so hard to absorb water through their roots and then just let most of it evaporate out of their leaves? Answers to such questions will then be related back to plant growth.

If you have ever wondered about some of these questions, this course is for you. The course will have a close look at plant growth and the role both water and nutrients play. It will help you understand how roots, stems and leaves are all connected together to form one elegant chemical manufacturing system, that we call a plant.

Lunch not included

LO member price: $73.00
Non-member price: $131.00
Maximum participants: 20
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Robert Pavlis, Aspen Grove Gardens
Date: Tuesday March 7, 2023 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
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