PP015: Metrics for Profit
To improve profitability,, what should you be measuring , and how often?
Join our dynamite team of consultants for an informative and engaging conversation about the simple signs to watch for, and how easy it can be for you to tweak things ' on the fly' for a better year end.
Take our financial systems evaluation quiz, rate your own current reality, and learn how to think more strategically about intentionally improving profit.
Who should attend: LO member company business owners or key managers who are looking to learn better practices for improving profit.

LO member price: $125.00
Non-member price: $240.00
Maximum participants: 25
Location: Radisson Kitchener/Waterloo 2960 King St., E Kitchener for directions only call 519-894-9500
Instructor: Jacki Hart and Eric Daly
Date: Thursday March 1, 2018 9:00 am - 2:30 pm
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