KSMI Weather is an Ontario-made tool that provides 24/7 location specific weather insights and data to help assist with winter operations decision making. KSMI is effective in providing timely, relevant and accurate local weather information that is completely customizable with real time alerts delivered to your email and the KSMI Weather app. This service is available exclusively to Landscape Ontario members, municipalities and government organizations.

KSMI also provides the following features:
  • Advanced notice of impactful winter events, including timing, precipitation amounts and other potential weather hazards.
  • Timely and relevant data delivered to your email inbox and phone via text message that can be used in real time and also retrieved if required for unforeseen future circumstances, such as insurance claims.
  • Access to real-time weather reports, mapping products, road conditions, hundreds of live weather cameras, weather experts and more during storms. KSMI’s report logging feature offers customized forecast delivery times, archived forecast reports, and sign-off abilities for staff.
  • A user-friendly app for iPhone and Android devices (phones and tablets).

Here’s how to access KSMI Weather:
  • Go to https://portal.ksmi.ca/
  • Select Create a New Account and fill out your registration information.
  • For Association select Landscape Ontario.
  • It may take 1-2 days for your account to be verified by KSMI.
  • You will be notified by KSMI once your account is verified and ready to use.
  • Keep an eye out for how-to videos coming from KSMI.

While no one can predict the weather with perfect accuracy, emerging tools including KSMI are making it a little easier to ‘stay ahead of winter.’