Landscape Construction and Installation Seminars

LE011: Maintenance and Safety of Tools and Equipment for the Landscape Contractor
Sold Out!
This seminar will benefit new landscape contractor employees along with those with some industry experience.
Participants are instructed in safety, maintenance theory and practice as it relates to the most popular landscape contractor equipment.
Equipment instruction will include hand-held trimmers, chainsaws, concrete saws and other two-stroke machines, push mowers and large riding equipment, plate tampers and excavation equipment related to construction.
There will be guidance on diagnosing failures and preventing downtime. This will move into managing the cost of equipment, life-cycles for different products and managing the expenses to maintain better profitability.

Participants will need, personal protection equipment (PPE) will be required for the hands on portion.

Lunch not included

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 11
Location: WPE Landscape Equipment 151 Hwy#5 Dundas For directions only call 905 - 628 - 3055
Instructor: Vince Borgdorff, WPE Landscape Equipment
Date: Monday February 24, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LC040: Precast Retaining Walls from the Ground Up
Learn all there is to know about building retaining walls in this two-day seminar.
Participants will explore why walls fail, proper construction techniques and selecting the walling system to meet your project and permit requirements. The importance of soil structure, drainage, surcharge loads, granular backfill, base preparation, selection and use of geogrids, filter blankets, and proper compaction will be discussed in detail.
Participants will build steps, walls, and pillars using various precast retaining wall products. Along with constructing a concrete block wall and facing it with natural stone ledge rock. The wall will be capped with hand-chiseled coping.
Participants will leave with a sound understanding of how to build retaining walls.

Participants are required to bring personal protective equipment including work boots, gloves, eye and hearing protection, particulate mask, etc., bring along a 2-3 lb. steel mallet, one splitting chisel and one facing chisel.

LO member price: $466.00
Non-member price: $640.00
Maximum participants: 12
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Collin Shotlander, Hybrid Landscape Management
Dates: Thursday February 27, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Friday February 28, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LBM147: NEW - Employment Law 101 - What Every Employer Should Know..and Do
Navigating employment law can be daunting. To employers (and even employment lawyers) the law appears to shift daily, whether at the hands of governments or courts and tribunals. Human rights, health and safety, privacy, employment standards, accessibility, and so much more.
This presentation, led by Jeremy Ambraska of Sherrard Kuzz LLP, Employment & Labour Lawyers, highlights key employment law basics every employer should know to minimize risk and maximize opportunity.

Lunch not included

LO member price: $37.00
Non-member price: $66.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Jeremy Ambraska of Sherrard Kuzz LLP, Employment & Labour Lawyers
Date: Tuesday March 4, 2025 9:30 am - 11:00 am
LS028: Supervisor Responsibilities & Due Diligence
Supervisors play a critical role in workplace health and safety. The seminar is designed to equip supervisors with the necessary knowledge to understand their legal duties, their role as a leader, and the key concept of due diligence.
Topics include:
* Supervisor duties as defined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), and how these duties link with the employer and worker duties.
* Summarize the duties and responsibilities of a supervisor in accordance with the OHSA and how to implement them in the workplace
* Give examples of how supervisors can exercise due diligence in the workplace.
* Create an action plan of steps that demonstrates due diligence in their workplace.
* Analyze case studies in the workplace to determine if due diligence was established.

This program is directed to new and experienced supervisors who want to develop and improve their understanding and leadership in workplace health and safety.

A resource guide will be provided

Consider continuing with seminar Landscape Ontario’s The Effective Supervisor Building Strategies for Success.

Note: ISA continuing education units (CEU's) available.

Lunch not included

LO member price: $149.00
Non-member price: $275.00
Maximum participants: 15
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Kristin Hoffman, Workplace Safety Prevention Services (WSPS)
Date: Wednesday March 5, 2025 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
LG053: NEW - Include Audio in Your Next Landscape Project
Incorporating outdoor audio in your landscape projects will increase you client’s enjoyment of their outdoor living space. Bringing more of their comforts from outside in, blending seamlessly as they move through their home, and property. Learn the benefits of a professional outdoor audio system, and installation guidelines. For those new to audio the landscape

Lunch not included

LO member price: $80.00
Non-member price: $143.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: John Higo, Turf Care Products Canada
Date: Friday March 7, 2025 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
LC077: NEW - Landscape Lighting TroubleShooting
Landscape lighting when things go wrong. Working through the landscape lighting system, identifying issues, and solving them quickly. Learn what tools you need in your bag, and how to use them to diagnose and solve your site issues.

Lunch not included

LO member price: $80.00
Non-member price: $143.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: John Higo, Turf Care Products Canada
Date: Friday March 7, 2025 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm
LG049: NEW - Designing Low Carbon Landscapes
Reducing the carbon footprint of projects is becoming more important in the landscape industry. As a green industry, it is vital that we incorporate practices that reduce environmental impacts: recycling and reusing materials on site, managing soils, reducing cut and fill and planting to increase carbon sequestration.
In this seminar, specific strategies will be discussed that will enable you to design landscapes compliant with the latest environmental standards.

LO member price: $80.00
Non-member price: $146.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Adele Pierre, Adele Pierre Landscape Architect
Date: Monday March 10, 2025 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
LC078: NEW - Advanced - Landscape Lighting Design
Moving beyond the base lighting techniques to create magical scenes that will leave your clients breathless. Understanding light and shadows, and how to use them to take your designs to the next level. Examining and critiquing award winning projects to better understand the emotional connections they create.

Lunch not included

LO member price: $80.00
Non-member price: $143.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: John Higo, Turf Care Products Canada
Date: Monday March 10, 2025 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
LG047: NEW- Take Your Nighttime Photography To The Next Level
Promoting your services on your website and social media, good nighttime images of your projects are critical to convey the mood and feel you create.
Learn the basics of nighttime photography, from different types of cameras, specifications that are important, what type of lenses, settings to use, framing your shot, and how to edit.
Participants are welcome to bring their own camera gear.
Recommended for those with some camera experience

Lunch not included

LO member price: $80.00
Non-member price: $146.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: John Higo, Turf Care Products Canada
Date: Monday March 10, 2025 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm
LBM162: The Effective Supervisor: Building Strategies for Success
This seminar considers the day-to-day context in which supervisors perform their role and brings to life the concepts associated with "organizing the work and its performance" as referenced in the definition of a competent person. This seminar goes beyond awareness of the legal roles and responsibilities of supervisors and engages participants in identifying real-life challenges and solutions.
By the end of this training participants will be able to:
* Describe the legal duties and responsibilities of a supervisor
* How to orient a new worker
* Demonstrate good coaching skills
* How mental health impacts the workplace and understand supervisor approaches that promote mental health
* Describe the role of the supervisor in ensuring that human rights in the workplace are maintained
* How to manage conflict
* Describe a supervisor's responsibility for dealing with workplace violence and harassment
* What to do if an injury happens
* Describe the supervisor's role in accommodating workers with disabilities
Recommended for:
* Individuals currently in supervisory positions either newly appointed or experienced
* Individuals who would like to become supervisors
* Managers, HR personnel, CEO, Owners

Recommended that participants are familiar with the workplace health and safety law regarding supervisor duties and responsibilities or attended Landscape Ontario's Supervisor Responsibilities and Due Diligence seminar or the Safety, Health and The Law seminar.

Note: ISA continuing education units (CEU's) available.

LO member price: $535.00
Non-member price: $815.00
Maximum participants: 15
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Kristin Hoffman, Workplace Safety Prevention Services (WSPS)
Dates: Tuesday March 11, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Wednesday March 12, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LBM136: Profitability Begins Before 7 am -The key to a successful morning roll out
Looking for ways to tighten your company's morning routine? This popular seminar is one you should attend before starting your season. The instructor will offer tips to improve efficiency in your yard and get crews on the road and to the client's properties faster.
Topics covered:
*Organization of storage space + yard space using 5s Principles
*The benefits and design of a job trailer
*Communication, keep it simple and timely
*Job binders and information shares
*Planning in advance of the job starting
*Vendor partnerships
*Technology to help you organize the crews
*Employees rewarded for strong performance (Company Culture)

A seminar for owners, crew leaders, general and operation managers.

Note: ISA continuing education units (CEU's) available.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 25
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Greg Wildeboer, Whispering Pines Landscaping
Date: Thursday March 13, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LC077: NEW - Designing and Building Award-Winning Water Features
This advanced water feature workshop will cover the technical and artistic aspects of pond, stream, and waterfall design. We'll focus on advanced plumbing & filtration, flow rates & water volumes, liner tips & tricks, leak prevention & detection, and rock selection & placement.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Derek Lippert, Quiet Nature Ltd.
Date: Friday March 14, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LC019: Grading and Drainage: A Necessary Evil
Grading and drainage can be a tedious task, but it is imperative to get it right in order to achieve success on your next construction job.

This seminar will benefit contractors and designers with little or no familiarity with grading and drainage requirements and processes.

Participants will explore grading principles and standards, and their impact on surface drainage, for most landscape projects. Basic grading calculations, the use of site surveys, the manipulation of land forms, and the preparation of grading details and plans for both surface and in-ground drainage is presented. In-ground drainage considerations are introduced. Typical grading notation methods are also presented. Participants will be required to carry out typical grading calculations and prepare simple grading details.

Participants should bring: scientific calculator, architect's scale and extra paper.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 15
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Tony Lombardi, Dr. Landscape Inc.
Date: Tuesday March 18, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LC020: Grading And Drainage: Intermediate Seminar
This seminar is for those who have had some exposure to grading design and installation or attended the introductory seminar LC019. A detailed, in-depth study of both surface and subsurface drainage considerations is presented. Areas covered include detailed grading standards and associated requirements, basic cut-and-fill calculations, erosion control, ground rules for effective and safe grading practices and design and construction requirements for retaining walls.

Participants will prepare a full grading plan case study for a residential site with non-typical grading issues, carry out typical grading calculations and prepare simple grading details.

Participants should bring: scientific calculator, an architect's scale and extra paper.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 15
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Tony Lombardi, Dr. Landscape Inc.
Date: Wednesday March 19, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LC058: Laser Levels, Spot and Job Site Elevation Layouts
This is a seminar for all members of your construction and design team. Participants should dress for outdoor site measurement and spot elevations collection. The group will practice using laser levels to gather information to be used in-class to translate into a site plan. Participants will leave with a better understanding of how simple planning and information gathering prior to construction will improve site efficiency and enhance results.

Participants should bring: A scale ruler and calculator. Although some laser levels will be available participants should bring their own to maximize the value of this seminar.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Tony Lombardi, Dr. Landscape Inc.
Date: Friday March 21, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LE010-OT: Skid Steer Loader/Mini-Excavator
This newly developed program covers the essentials required to use a Skid Steer and Mini-Excavator in Ontario and is compliant with provincial training requirements.
Topics reviewed include: Legislation, workplace inspection, equipment inspection (and review of equipment components), safe operation, stability concepts, and basic operating techniques.
Following the classroom portion there is also a hands-on session where students will implement the principals reviewed during theory.
PPE Requirements: Work Boots, Safety Glasses, Reflective Vest/jacket, pen/notebook
Note:Seminar completion time may vary based on class size and operator experience.
Prerequisites: No experience required
NOTE: Participants will receive training certificate upon successful completion of this seminar.

Lunch not included

LO member price: $330.00
Non-member price: $405.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Herc Rentals 860 Belfast Rd., Ottawa for directions cal (613) 244-4388
Instructor: Bruce Hannah, Herc Rentals
Date: Monday March 24, 2025 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
LS026: Emergency 1st Aid, CPR C & AED Certification
This one-day seminar designed to give participants a general overview of first aid. Participants will learn how to think and react in an emergency until medical help arrives. This seminar is suitable for those working as first responders in their workplace.
Topics covered include:
*Preventing of disease transmission
*Airway and breathing emergencies
*CPR for adults and children
*Cardiovascular emergencies/strokes
*Spinal precaution
*Managing bleeds
*Fainting and more
*AED (Automated External Defibrillator) training

First Aid is valid for three years, AED Certification one year. Annual CPR certification is recommended.

Prerequisite Only participants who have completed their 2 day Standard First Aid,CPR C & AED Certification training are eligible to attend.
Note: ISA continuing education units (CEU's) available.

LO member price: $120.00
Non-member price: $236.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Representative from, SAJE Vital Signs
Date: Friday March 28, 2025 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
LS007: Standard First Aid with CPR Level C and AED Certification
This two-day practical first aid course meets government requirements and prepares participants to administer first aid for common landscape injuries. Every landscape crew must have one person with first aid training to assist injured workers. Participants should bring a blanket.
Topics covered included;
* Musculoskeletal Injuries
* Spinal precautions
* Soft tissue injuries (bruises, burns, and frostbite, etc)
* Heat and cold temperature emergencies
* Poisons.
* One rescuer adult/child/baby CPR
* Two rescuer adult/child CPR
* Adult/child/baby choking
* Barrier devices/pocket masks
* AED (Automated External Defibrillator) training
Note: ISA continuing education units (CEU's) available.

LO member price: $185.00
Non-member price: $315.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Representative from, SAJE Vital Signs
Dates: Monday March 31, 2025 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Tuesday April 1, 2025 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
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