Seminars By Date

Put your mouse over the dots to see the seminars, click for details.

LC014: Paving Your Way to Perfect Interlock
Sold Out!
This seminar is geared toward individuals looking to develop or improve the practical skills of paving stone installation.
The seminar will spend one-day in class learning the theory of interlocking stone installation and the other full day on hands-on construction of an interlocking stone area that also incorporates steps and a pre-cast walling system.
Participants will install an interlocking stone pad with different features and become familiar with installation techniques using modern tools in the industry.

Participants are required to bring personal protective equipment including work boots, gloves, eye and hearing protection, and particulate mask etc..

LO member price: $466.00
Non-member price: $640.00
Maximum participants: 12
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Collin Shotlander, Hybrid Landscape Management
Dates: Monday February 10, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Tuesday February 11, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LBM157: Small Business Finance and Cost Structure
Running a business isn't easy.
Things may be going great, but would you be prepared if the jobs slowed down? Is operating on a zero debt management system achievable? How do you get there? How do you stay afloat when things get tough.
A seminar for young companies the presenter will discuss these questions along with an in depth look into business finances and cost management as they relate to the landscape industry.
Review budgeting methods, cost, debt and cash flow management, lean operating systems principles, etc.
Attendees should bring a laptop to be able to work in a group setting and also be prepared to have constructive discussions about your business finances.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Tony Lombardi, Dr. Landscape Inc.
Date: Monday February 10, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
OL022: Lighting 101: Basic Design Techniques
Understanding the basics of lighting design. Different techniques, and how and when to apply them. There are many tools in the lighting designers' toolbox to create stunning designs and enhance the look of hardscape, softscape, and architecture. This session will give you the beginnings of creating your own palette of techniques to bring out the best in your designs.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: John Higo, Turf Care Products Canada
Date: Monday February 10, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
OL121: Stormwater Management
This session will explore a number of strategies for managing stormwater on site through the creation of design features such as rain gardens, dry stream beds and infiltration chambers. Simple to build, cost effective and providing opportunities for native plantings, these design techniques can add significant value to your projects.

This is an online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date..

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Adele Pierre, Adele Pierre Landscape Architect
Date: Monday February 10, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
OL024: Science of Phenology
What is Phenology?
We will answer this question and look at the basic science of Phenology. How does it influence me in the job I do? You will have the ability to explore a few Apps and guides to make your IPM/PHC services more effective and professional.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Jeff McMann
Date: Tuesday February 11, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
OL138: NEW - Layering and Foliage
Foliage - A representation of leaves, flowers, and branches for architectural ornamentation.
Learn how to layer your clients landscapes with foliage for interest in every season

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Jackie Morra
Date: Tuesday February 11, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
LS033: NEW - Safety, Health and The Law
Safety, Health & the Law is a one-day seminar designed to increase awareness and working knowledge of Ontario's Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:
*Identify why workplace health and safety is important.
*Navigate the different components of theAct and regulations.
*Recognize key definitions and duties of workplace parties.
*Identify how to recognize, assess, control and evaluate workplace hazards and review relevant regulations.
*Identify requirements for notices, reporting injuries & illnesses and keeping records.

Seminar is intended for:
*Managers & supervisors.
*Health and safety coordinators.
*JHSC members (non-certified).
*Anyone responsible for health and safety in the workplace.

Participants will receive one participant guide and one copy of the Carswell Pocket Ontario OH&S Act and Regulations, Consolidated Edition

Note: ISA continuing education units (CEU's) available.

LO member price: $240.00
Non-member price: $275.00
Maximum participants: 20
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Kristin Hoffman, Workplace Safety Prevention Services (WSPS)
Date: Wednesday February 12, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LP035: NEW-Annuals: The New, the Faithful and the Forgotten
Recommended for retail garden centre staff, parks professionals, those new to maintenance companies or anyone wanting a refresher in planting annuals.
This half-day seminar will discuss plant choices. Covering the major annuals and follow with secondary and under-utilized annuals, planting design for containers and beds, annuals and the environment.Participants should bring their questions to this interactive seminar. Participants will leave with new ideas, tricks to challenges for successful planting and maintenance, along with horticultural resources and tools available.
Lunch not included

LO member price: $80.00
Non-member price: $146.00
Maximum participants: 15
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Rodger Tschanz, University of Guelph
Date: Wednesday February 12, 2025 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
OL017: Common Trees and their ID by Plant Family
What are the common characteristics that make certain plants part of the same family? Here we will explore trees and learn how to recognize them by family.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Jodi Healy, Horticulturalist
Date: Wednesday February 12, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
OL023: Lighting 101: Installation
From making rock-solid connections to mounting in a tree. The basics of installing landscape lighting safely and properly. A great design is only as good as the ability to install it properly. Creative designs often require creative installation solutions. Hiding wire and connectors, and ensuring a safe and trouble-free system is crucial to client satisfaction.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: John Higo, Turf Care Products Canada
Date: Wednesday February 12, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
LD050: NEW - Landscape Design: An Introduction
Dig into the world of landscape design with this interactive seminar, "Landscape Design: An Introduction."
This engaging, in-person seminar is designed for experienced designers and beginners alike, offering a hands-on exploration of fundamental design principles and techniques.
Participants will learn about essential elements and principles of the design process such as inventory & analysis, spatial planning, conceptual designs, bubble diagrams, colour, balance and more through practical exercises and group discussions. By attending you’ll gain the skills to create visually appealing and functional outdoor spaces while receiving personalized feedback on your design ideas. This workshop is perfect for those looking to kickstart their journey in landscape design or refresh their skills to build a solid foundation for future projects.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 15
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Heather Jerrard, My Landscape Artist
Date: Thursday February 13, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LC064: Chiseled in Stone: Intermediate Seminar
For the landscape construction pro, this intermediate stone masonry seminar is designed for those already familiar with basic masonry concepts, tools, and techniques.
Participants will learn the next steps in cutting, chiseling, and layout techniques, reinforcing best practices required for installing wet- or dry-laid natural stone walls and pillars, setting natural stone coping, plus layout and construction of curved walls.

Participants are required to bring: personal protective equipment: work boots, gloves, eye and hearing protection, dust mask, etc., along with a 2-3 lb. steel mallet, one splitting chisel and one facing chisel.

Prerequisite: Participants should have some experience in this area before attending or attended LC063.

LO member price: $466.00
Non-member price: $640.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Bill Lloyd, Lloyd Masonry
Dates: Thursday February 13, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Friday February 14, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
OL139: NEW - Know Your Roots: Protecting Trees During Landscape Design and Construction
Roots are vitally important to a tree’s health and structural integrity. This talk will explore how to protect tree roots from damage and the dos and don’ts of working around them when designing or installing a new landscape project. Tree protection bylaws will be reviewed and techniques for ensuring trees survive construction will be provided.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Todd Irvine, MFC, MA, ISA Certified Arborist
Date: Thursday February 13, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
OL068: Understanding Soils (Picking the Right Soil)
This talk introduces you to some basic concepts about soil and then reviews the function of various components including sand, clay, air, and organic matter.
The presenter will also look at various soil amendments to understand why you might add them to the soil. Then it’s time to select the right soil for various landscape situations

This is an online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Robert Pavlis, Aspen Grove Gardens
Date: Thursday February 13, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
TM015: IPM For Woody Plants
Review of Pest biology to understand how to manage in the landscape along with a review of IPM and Plant Health Care in the landscape. We will discuss common and uncommon pests, native and introduced, living and non-living causal agents in woody plants. How to identify and manage pests properly.
Bring your thinking cap as we hope you will become a plant detective, solving Ontario’s Plant Health Problems

Note: 5.67 IPM Accreditation continuing education credits (CEC) available

Note: ISA continuing education units (CEU's) available.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 20
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Becky Moule, Arbortech Professional Tree Care Inc
Date: Friday February 14, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
OL140: NEW - Shady Business
Powerful Plants, Tantalizing Textures, and Cohesive Combinations. Find out why landscaping in shade, lower light plants, how to improve dark corners in your landscape project can become a challenge you enjoy; make the most out of a shady situation.
Hello, darkness, my old friend…

This is an online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Paul Gellatly, The Tattooed Gardener
Date: Friday February 14, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
LC075: NEW - Firepit Seminar
Outdoor fire pits have become a popular request in landscape projects.
During this two-day seminar participants will learn the basics of constructing an outdoor firepit. The instructor will have participants block laying the exterior fire pit and reinforcement, basic firebrick installation touching on patterns codes and installation, buttering fire bricks and finishing the base and walls of a fire pit, sponging and cleaning, installation and finish coping of fire pit
Participants are required to bring personal protective equipment, including: work boots, gloves, eye and hearing protection etc., Masonry tools needed - 2-3lb steel mallet, one splitting chisel and one facing chisel, trowel, tape measure and tile sponge

LO member price: $466.00
Non-member price: $640.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Bill Lloyd, Lloyd Masonry
Dates: Tuesday February 18, 2025 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wednesday February 19, 2025 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
OL123: Roses, Starting from A to Z
Roses can be quite finicky.
They require a little effort but taking care of them is easier than you think once you learn a few tricks. Looking at site selection, types of roses in the landscape, planting, pruning and watering. A few pests that may come along as well.
We will look at caring for your roses starting from A to Z.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Jeff McMann
Date: Tuesday February 18, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
OL141: NEW - Water features as Focal Points
Get ideas on how to incorporate various water features into your landscape projects and the importance of plants to create stunning focal points.
This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Jackie Morra
Date: Tuesday February 18, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
LD035: Professional Practice & Project Management: Managing Projects from Design to Completion
Join us for "Managing Projects from Design to Completion" workshop, where you will be guided through the intricacies of managing landscape projects from conception to completion.
This hands-on, seminar will cover essential aspects of project management, including effective planning, budgeting, and coordinating with clients and contractors. Participants will engage in practical exercises that highlight key strategies for tackling common challenges in landscape design and implementation, ensuring that your projects are not only aesthetically pleasing but also delivered on time and within scope.
Whether you’re a seasoned landscape contractor, manager, team leader or aspiring project manager - this workshop will provide valuable insights to streamline your workflow and elevate your professional practice.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 20
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Heather Jerrard, My Landscape Artist
Date: Wednesday February 19, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
OL116: Employment Law 101 - What Every Employer Should Know...and Do
Navigating employment law can be daunting. To employers (and even employment lawyers) the law appears to shift daily, whether at the hands of governments or courts and tribunals. Human rights, health and safety, employment standards, accessibility, and so much more.
This presentation, led by Jeremy Ambraska of Sherrard Kuzz LLP, Employment & Labour Lawyers, highlights key employment law basics every employer should know to minimize risk and maximize opportunity.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Jeremy Ambraska of Sherrard Kuzz LLP, Employment & Labour Lawyers
Date: Wednesday February 19, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
OL103: NEW-Shrub in the Landscape
Shrubs, their huge diversity provides the backbone for many landscapes.
Evergreen or Deciduous or even Broadleaf Evergreens, there is a shrub to fill every need in a landscape. Colour, texture, space fillers or low growing accents, there are shrubs to choose from to satisfy any of those requirements. This talk will give a wide ranging overview of the types of shrubs available and what individual characteristics they can bring to your landscape.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Ken Brown, Dallying In the Dirt
Date: Wednesday February 19, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
LC040: Precast Retaining Walls from the Ground Up
Sold Out!
Learn all there is to know about building retaining walls in this two-day seminar.
Participants will explore why walls fail, proper construction techniques and selecting the walling system to meet your project and permit requirements. The importance of soil structure, drainage, surcharge loads, granular backfill, base preparation, selection and use of geogrids, filter blankets, and proper compaction will be discussed in detail.
Participants will build steps, walls, and pillars using various precast retaining wall products. Along with constructing a concrete block wall and facing it with natural stone ledge rock. The wall will be capped with hand-chiseled coping.
Participants will leave with a sound understanding of how to build retaining walls.

Participants are required to bring personal protective equipment including work boots, gloves, eye and hearing protection, particulate mask, etc., bring along a 2-3 lb. steel mallet, one splitting chisel and one facing chisel.

LO member price: $466.00
Non-member price: $640.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Collin Shotlander, Hybrid Landscape Management
Dates: Thursday February 20, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LP056: NEW - Perennial ID: The Desired and the Uninvited
This seminar will demystify the identification of perennials and weeds in the landscape. Participants will learn how to differentiate between commonly grown perennials and common weeds using simple morphological characteristics. Participants will learn how to recognize common plant families, how to use simple dichotomous keys and learn which resources can be used to identify perennials and perennial weeds.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 30
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Jodi Healy, Horticulturalist
Date: Thursday February 20, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
OL142: NEW - Building a Materials Management Dashboard
Do you have trouble tracking your purchases? Your materials? Do your projects lose value because things aren't where they should be when you need them?
In this step-by-step two part series, you will learn to create a purchasing and materials management dashboard using Microsoft Excel and Power BI.
Beginner-friendly all you need is a computer with Excel and Power BI installed to participate.

LO member price: $130.00
Non-member price: $160.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Ryan Higgins, Excel Contracting
Dates: Thursday February 20, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Friday February 21, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
OL143: NEW - Designing Low Carbon Landscapes
Reducing the carbon footprint of projects is becoming more important in the landscape industry. As a green industry, it is vital that we incorporate practices that reduce environmental impacts: recycling and reusing materials on site, managing soils, reducing cut and fill and planting to increase carbon sequestration.
In this session, specific strategies will be discussed that will enable you to design landscapes compliant with the latest environmental standards.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Adele Pierre, Adele Pierre Landscape Architect
Date: Thursday February 20, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
LG050: NEW - Plant Sociology and Building Plant Communities
An introduction to plant sociology with a discussion on the different ways plants interact with each other in their native plant communities. Building on that information, we will explore how that knowledge can enhance planting designs in an ornamental setting while also maintaining the principles of planting design, rainwater management, and sustainability.
Recommended for Designers and owners of Maintenance Companies.

LO member price: $80.00
Non-member price: $143.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Rose Walters
Date: Friday February 21, 2025 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
OL148: NEW - Introduction to Invasive Species
This session we will identify some of the most common invasive species found in Ontario. What are characteristics that make a particular species invasive? Their means of dispersal and how they affect the surrounding plants/wildlife and alter the soil.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Jeff Dickie, Conservation Halton
Date: Friday February 21, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
LE011: Maintenance and Safety of Tools and Equipment for the Landscape Contractor
Sold Out!
This seminar will benefit new landscape contractor employees along with those with some industry experience.
Participants are instructed in safety, maintenance theory and practice as it relates to the most popular landscape contractor equipment.
Equipment instruction will include hand-held trimmers, chainsaws, concrete saws and other two-stroke machines, push mowers and large riding equipment, plate tampers and excavation equipment related to construction.
There will be guidance on diagnosing failures and preventing downtime. This will move into managing the cost of equipment, life-cycles for different products and managing the expenses to maintain better profitability.

Participants will need, personal protection equipment (PPE) will be required for the hands on portion.

Lunch not included

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: WPE Landscape Equipment 151 Hwy#5 Dundas For directions only call 905 - 628 - 3055
Instructor: Vince Borgdorff, WPE Landscape Equipment
Date: Monday February 24, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LBM164: NEW - The Key to Employee Loyalty
A strong culture lies in clear and well understood company values. By capturing the hearts of your employees you will create the long lasting loyalty that can move your company forward.
Learn how to have your team members be willing to break through walls to make your company exceptional!

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Greg Wildeboer, Whispering Pines Landscaping
Date: Monday February 24, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
OL040: Landscape Construction Drawings
Learn the technical side of preparing Landscape Plans. What goes into developing a set of working drawings? This includes the following types of drawings: Grading Plans, Layout and Dimensional Plans, and Construction Details and well-executed Planting Plans.

This two-part session is ideal for the entry-level designer as well as the seasoned designer that would like to improve their technical knowledge of working drawings.

Recommended References Include:
Time-Savers Standards for Landscape Architecture by Charles Harris & Nicholas Dines

This is an online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $130.00
Non-member price: $160.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Beth Edney, Designs By The Yard
Dates: Monday February 24, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Monday March 10, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
OL028: NEW - Changing Landscape of Maintenance
Things are always changing in life, which includes the way we maintain our landscapes. What changes have you seen over the years? Let us look at some of the major (and minor) ways in which landscape maintenance has evolved over the years.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Jeff McMann
Date: Tuesday February 25, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
OL155: NEW - Small Spaces, Big Impact
Your customer has a small property with lots of big landscaping ideas.
Learn ways to to make that happen for them with creative and efficient space planning ideas and features.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Jackie Morra
Date: Tuesday February 25, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
OL014: Common Perennials and their ID by plant family.
What are the common characteristics that make certain plants part of the same family? Here we will explore perennials and learn how to recognize them by family.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Jodi Healy, Horticulturalist
Date: Wednesday February 26, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
OL134: Tropicals in the Landscape
Interesting foliage and bright colours of tropical plants are becoming popular additions in our summer landscape projects. A wider variety of these delights are becoming available in containers each year, allowing us to expand the scope of our annual plantings. There’s nothing like a large Palm tree in an Ontario landscape to make an eye catching focal point. This session will look at what’s available, how to use it and how to care for it.

This is an online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Ken Brown, Dallying In the Dirt
Date: Wednesday February 26, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
LC040: Precast Retaining Walls from the Ground Up
Learn all there is to know about building retaining walls in this two-day seminar.
Participants will explore why walls fail, proper construction techniques and selecting the walling system to meet your project and permit requirements. The importance of soil structure, drainage, surcharge loads, granular backfill, base preparation, selection and use of geogrids, filter blankets, and proper compaction will be discussed in detail.
Participants will build steps, walls, and pillars using various precast retaining wall products. Along with constructing a concrete block wall and facing it with natural stone ledge rock. The wall will be capped with hand-chiseled coping.
Participants will leave with a sound understanding of how to build retaining walls.

Participants are required to bring personal protective equipment including work boots, gloves, eye and hearing protection, particulate mask, etc., bring along a 2-3 lb. steel mallet, one splitting chisel and one facing chisel.

LO member price: $466.00
Non-member price: $640.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Collin Shotlander, Hybrid Landscape Management
Dates: Thursday February 27, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Friday February 28, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LG048: NEW - Invasive Species Management Options
This seminar will discuss the difference between woody and herbaceous species, management options using mechanical methods or herbicides, personal protective equipment for removing invasive species and selecting the right methods/tools to prevent further spread into the landscape.
Note: 5.67 IPM Accreditation continuing education credits (CEC) available

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 20
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Jeff Dickie, Conservation Halton
Date: Thursday February 27, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
OL144: Tree Stress and How to Avoid It
The death of newly planted or established trees is the dread of any landscape professional. This talk will explore the concept of tree stress, teach participants the skills to identify when trees are under stress and how to correct the situation before trees die and require costly replacement.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Todd Irvine, MFC, MA, ISA Certified Arborist
Date: Thursday February 27, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
OL145: NEW - Picking Plants for Problem Areas
Problem areas in your landscape project.. we all run into them. Covering some of the plants available when tackling them this session will look at plant characteristics and their maintenance, along with a few low and no-maintenance plants for normal and problem areas (e.g. Problem areas - heavy shade, steep slopes, wet areas etc.).
This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Robert Pavlis, Aspen Grove Gardens
Date: Thursday February 27, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
LG044: Earthworms – the Silent Invasion
Worms are highly varied and can be found in almost every environment on Earth. The presenter has studied earthworms on every continent except Antarctica with his projects published in over 550 books and journal articles. This presentation will cover the invasion of European and more recently Asian earthworms in Ontario and Canada (e.g. the invasive jumping worms). Including habitat requirements, barriers to migration, and time of first occurrence.
Following the presentation, specimens of European and Asian earthworms will be available for examination.

LO member price: $80.00
Non-member price: $146.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: John Reynolds, Oligochaetology Laboratory
Date: Friday February 28, 2025 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
LBM165: NEW - Establish and Strengthen your Leadership Team for success
Is your company outgrowing you? Do you ever wonder how well-known landscaping companies build a great management team? During this seminar participants will discover how to develop and Align Your Management Team For Success
Topics covered include:
*Hiring, training, and developing superstars
*Developing tools for role clarity
*Clear and timely communication
*Effective meeting strategies
*Creating a culture where management team supports the field staff and each other
*Managers owning their numbers and driving results
*Pay scales and incentive packages
*Budgets, goal setting and 5-year plans Participants should bring along their organization chart and budget to assist with planning and for helpful feedback.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 20
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Greg Wildeboer, Whispering Pines Landscaping
Date: Monday March 3, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LM202: Maintenance and Safety of Tools and Equipment in Grounds Maintenance
Sold Out!
This day will benefit new grounds maintenance employees and those with some industry experience.
Items covered include:
*Engine maintenance and theory (i.e. lawn mowers, blowers, trimmers etc)
*Safety equipment, operation and storage
*Difference between two and four- cycle engines
*Service and maintenance of the equipment
*Fuel, oil and lubricants
*Carburetor inspections and service techniques
*Discuss issues and myths of engines and their service requirements

Participants should come prepared for some hands-on learning. PPE (personal protection equipment), gloves, work boots, eyewear, ear protection, etc., should be brought.

Lunch not included

Consider continuing with LM206: NEW - Fundamentals of Grounds Maintenance

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 14
Location: WPE Landscape Equipment 3165 Unity Dr. Unit 4 Mississauga For directions only call 905 - 569 -2055
Instructor: Vince Borgdorff, WPE Landscape Equipment
Date: Monday March 3, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
OL154: NEW - Meet the Mosses
In the plant world, mosses are “strong, sensitive” types. They cover enormous areas and are tough enough to survive long droughts and winters without soil or roots. They’re also individually tiny, and delicate enough to signal early warnings of environmental change. In the urban and natural spaces we know and love, mosses make themselves at home on soil, wood, rock and a huge array of human-made stand-ins. They do this whether or not we notice them or invite them. During this two-part session get to know a bit about the ecology and biology of these amazing plants
We’ll discuss
- How to tell if something is a moss, a lichen or something else
- How mosses differ from other plants, and how that can affect where and how they grow
- The main growth forms and features that help to distinguish the >800 bryophyte species in Ontario / Quebec, and a few of the common mosses we’re all likely to encounter
- Some of the main reasons why mosses deserve our attention: What good do they do? Are they ever a problem?
- Survey basics: diversity, rare species and expertise

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $130.00
Non-member price: $160.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Jennifer Doubt,Canadian Museum of Nature
Dates: Monday March 3, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Friday March 14, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
LP059: NEW - Invasive Species in Ontario
Invasive species are becoming common in both our natural areas and in our urban spaces, and it can be challenging to identify them. Plant keys are often used as a tool to identify native plants in a particular region, but these keys don't include the common invasives you may encounter.
In this seminar, we will look at how to identify common invasive species in Ontario, through the use of both dichotomous keys for native species and studying the morphological differences between them and similar-looking invasive species.
Participants will leave with a stronger understanding of plant names, plant morphology and confidence in differentiating between invasives and their native look-alikes.

Lunch not included

LO member price: $80.00
Non-member price: $146.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Jodi Healy, Horticulturalist
Date: Tuesday March 4, 2025 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
LBM147: NEW - Employment Law 101 - What Every Employer Should Know..and Do
Navigating employment law can be daunting. To employers (and even employment lawyers) the law appears to shift daily, whether at the hands of governments or courts and tribunals. Human rights, health and safety, privacy, employment standards, accessibility, and so much more.
This presentation, led by Jeremy Ambraska of Sherrard Kuzz LLP, Employment & Labour Lawyers, highlights key employment law basics every employer should know to minimize risk and maximize opportunity.

Lunch not included

LO member price: $37.00
Non-member price: $66.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Jeremy Ambraska of Sherrard Kuzz LLP, Employment & Labour Lawyers
Date: Tuesday March 4, 2025 9:30 am - 11:00 am
OL027: NEW - The Good, the Bad the Ugly - Tree Care
Tree care has been performed for centuries. What are good practices, the not so good and the better ones? Curious???? Tune in to find out!

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Jeff McMann
Date: Tuesday March 4, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
OL147: NEW - Immersive and Sensory Landscapes
Learn about ways to engage your customers in their landscapes by incorporating the unique use of colours, textures, sounds, scents and taste to elevate outdoor spaces.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Jackie Morra, Horticulturalist
Date: Tuesday March 4, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
LS028: Supervisor Responsibilities & Due Diligence
Supervisors play a critical role in workplace health and safety. The seminar is designed to equip supervisors with the necessary knowledge to understand their legal duties, their role as a leader, and the key concept of due diligence.
Topics include:
* Supervisor duties as defined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), and how these duties link with the employer and worker duties.
* Summarize the duties and responsibilities of a supervisor in accordance with the OHSA and how to implement them in the workplace
* Give examples of how supervisors can exercise due diligence in the workplace.
* Create an action plan of steps that demonstrates due diligence in their workplace.
* Analyze case studies in the workplace to determine if due diligence was established.

This program is directed to new and experienced supervisors who want to develop and improve their understanding and leadership in workplace health and safety.

A resource guide will be provided

Consider continuing with seminar Landscape Ontario’s The Effective Supervisor Building Strategies for Success.

Note: ISA continuing education units (CEU's) available.

Lunch not included

LO member price: $149.00
Non-member price: $275.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Kristin Hoffman, Workplace Safety Prevention Services (WSPS)
Date: Wednesday March 5, 2025 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
LM206: Fundamentals of Grounds Maintenance
Sold Out!
For the novice or grounds maintenance employee who would like a refresher/review of areas within the landscape maintenance sector.
Covering topics:
Planning and scheduling maintenance
Basic plant care and location
Common landscape mistakes
Spring and Fall Clean-ups.
Sometime will be spent on plant identification, general maintenance of trees, shrubs and other common plants. All this and more with attention to details to make you, and your client’s property stand out.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 25
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Bruce Peart, Horticulturalist
Date: Wednesday March 5, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
OL146: NEW - Landscape Design CRASH COURSE
Buckle up as this high-energy, two part one-hour talk packs a punch with essential design principles and practical tips. Fast-paced it is designed for those who want to quickly grasp the fundamentals of landscape design, from creating functional layouts to selecting the right plants for your space. With dynamic visuals and rapid-fire insights, you'll gain a solid understanding of key concepts and strategies to transform any outdoor area into a stunning and well-organized landscape.
Intended for contractors who don't have a full-time designer on staff and would like to have more confidence in preparing and presenting designs. A high-overview of the process from first meeting a client to preparing the estimate.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $130.00
Non-member price: $160.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Heather Jerrard, My Landscape Artist
Dates: Monday March 3, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Wednesday March 5, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
LM002: Enhance Your Grounds Maintenance Technique
Formerly Improved Grounds Maintenance this popular seminar is one you should always consider attending before starting your season.
The magic behind every outstanding landscape is found in attention to detail. Knowledge is the key to quality work. This seminar will unlock some of the theory and techniques needed to attain an eye-catching landscape. Learn how those who deliver superior results are not simply doing more of the same things everyone else does; they are doing things better. Explore the details and advanced techniques needed to deliver excellent landscape maintenance in today's changing landscape world

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 40
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Jeff McMann
Date: Thursday March 6, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
OL016: Unwanted Weeds and their ID by plant family
What are the common characteristics that make certain plants part of the same family? Here we will explore weeds and learn how to recognize them by family.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Jodi Healy, Horticulturalist
Date: Thursday March 6, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
OL131: Building a Budget to Price Jobs Profitably
Ever get to the end of the year and your books show you made a profit, but you have no cash in your bank account?
The number one reason hardscape contractors have the "show profit- but-no-cash-in-the-bank" symptom is overhead expenses. Overhead, if not properly accounted for..will crush you.
The presenter will teach you how to solve this dilemma by showing you how to build a company budget that ensures you are pricing your jobs for profit, charging the correct rate per man-hour, and making sure your overhead and all costs are factored in. You’ll leave with tools you can use to build your budget and start earning the profit your looking for.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $195.00
Non-member price: $240.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Weston Zimmerman, Synkedup
Dates: Thursday March 6, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Friday March 7, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
LG053: NEW - Include Audio in Your Next Landscape Project
Incorporating outdoor audio in your landscape projects will increase you client’s enjoyment of their outdoor living space. Bringing more of their comforts from outside in, blending seamlessly as they move through their home, and property. Learn the benefits of a professional outdoor audio system, and installation guidelines. For those new to audio the landscape

Lunch not included

LO member price: $80.00
Non-member price: $143.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: John Higo, Turf Care Products Canada
Date: Friday March 7, 2025 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
LM207: TAP into Landscape Turf,Annual and Perennial Maintenance
A packed day, the instructor will cover turf, annuals, perennials and shrubs and how they come together to create great ground maintenance landscapes.
A seminar for the novice or grounds maintenance employee who would like a refresher/review of areas within the landscape maintenance sector.
Items covered included
*Review of common shrubs, annuals, perennials and turf identification found in most landscape maintenance projects.
*Tips and tricks to garden bed edges; the best way to get and maintain them
*How to cut turf and add-ons to complement your customers landscape
*Touching on ornamental grasses, tropical plants that can add big impact to landscapes
*Fall bulb planting and four season containers.
Participants will come away better prepared to start the grounds maintenance season.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 15
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Bruce Peart, Horticulturalist
Date: Friday March 7, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
OL122: Perfect Plant Pairings; An Artistic Eye
Taking your landscape project to the next level, requires a sharp eye for detail, utilizing plants with multiple seasons of interest, careful plant selection, thoughtful design, and artistic pairings / combinations. Plants can be paired for several reasons, texture, colour, form, and functionality to name a few.
In this talk you will walk through perfect plant pairings to help unlock your 'Artistic Eye' when choosing your potential pairings for your next landscape project.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Paul Gellatly, The Tattooed Gardener
Date: Friday March 7, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
LC077: NEW - Landscape Lighting TroubleShooting
Landscape lighting when things go wrong. Working through the landscape lighting system, identifying issues, and solving them quickly. Learn what tools you need in your bag, and how to use them to diagnose and solve your site issues.

Lunch not included

LO member price: $80.00
Non-member price: $143.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: John Higo, Turf Care Products Canada
Date: Friday March 7, 2025 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm
LC078: NEW - Advanced - Landscape Lighting Design
Moving beyond the base lighting techniques to create magical scenes that will leave your clients breathless. Understanding light and shadows, and how to use them to take your designs to the next level. Examining and critiquing award winning projects to better understand the emotional connections they create.

Lunch not included

LO member price: $80.00
Non-member price: $143.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: John Higo, Turf Care Products Canada
Date: Monday March 10, 2025 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
LG049: NEW - Designing Low Carbon Landscapes
Reducing the carbon footprint of projects is becoming more important in the landscape industry. As a green industry, it is vital that we incorporate practices that reduce environmental impacts: recycling and reusing materials on site, managing soils, reducing cut and fill and planting to increase carbon sequestration.
In this seminar, specific strategies will be discussed that will enable you to design landscapes compliant with the latest environmental standards.

LO member price: $80.00
Non-member price: $146.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Adele Pierre, Adele Pierre Landscape Architect
Date: Monday March 10, 2025 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
OL096: Hosta Varieties and Amazing Combinations
Presentation will cover everything you wanted to know about one of the easiest part shade plants to grow including knowing how to identify and prevent HVX (Hosta Virus X).
Dawn will also look at some of the newer varieties and ideas for amazing plant combinations in part shade.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Dawn Golloher, Gardens Plus
Date: Monday March 10, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
LG047: NEW- Take Your Nighttime Photography To The Next Level
Promoting your services on your website and social media, good nighttime images of your projects are critical to convey the mood and feel you create.
Learn the basics of nighttime photography, from different types of cameras, specifications that are important, what type of lenses, settings to use, framing your shot, and how to edit.
Participants are welcome to bring their own camera gear.
Recommended for those with some camera experience

Lunch not included

LO member price: $80.00
Non-member price: $146.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: John Higo, Turf Care Products Canada
Date: Monday March 10, 2025 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm
LBM162: The Effective Supervisor: Building Strategies for Success
This seminar considers the day-to-day context in which supervisors perform their role and brings to life the concepts associated with "organizing the work and its performance" as referenced in the definition of a competent person. This seminar goes beyond awareness of the legal roles and responsibilities of supervisors and engages participants in identifying real-life challenges and solutions.
By the end of this training participants will be able to:
* Describe the legal duties and responsibilities of a supervisor
* How to orient a new worker
* Demonstrate good coaching skills
* How mental health impacts the workplace and understand supervisor approaches that promote mental health
* Describe the role of the supervisor in ensuring that human rights in the workplace are maintained
* How to manage conflict
* Describe a supervisor's responsibility for dealing with workplace violence and harassment
* What to do if an injury happens
* Describe the supervisor's role in accommodating workers with disabilities
Recommended for:
* Individuals currently in supervisory positions either newly appointed or experienced
* Individuals who would like to become supervisors
* Managers, HR personnel, CEO, Owners

Recommended that participants are familiar with the workplace health and safety law regarding supervisor duties and responsibilities or attended Landscape Ontario's Supervisor Responsibilities and Due Diligence seminar or the Safety, Health and The Law seminar.

Note: ISA continuing education units (CEU's) available.

LO member price: $535.00
Non-member price: $815.00
Maximum participants: 15
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Kristin Hoffman, Workplace Safety Prevention Services (WSPS)
Dates: Tuesday March 11, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Wednesday March 12, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LA005: Below the Ground: Introduction to Soils and Tree Roots
Approximately 40 percent of a tree's biomass is below ground, as a vast network of roots. Because roots lie out of sight, their care and protection are often overlooked, resulting in poor performance. Understanding how roots grow and the importance of healthy soil is vital knowledge for anyone working with trees to understand.
This seminar will cover:
*Basics of tree biology
*Root growth and soil science
*Importance of healthy soil and proper nutrient cycling
*How to assess soil conditions to improve soil health
*How to help protect tree roots during construction
*Routine maintenance for root and soil health

Participants are encouraged to ask questions and share case studies from their own work experiences. Landscape designers, technicians, contractors and architects, along with property managers, groundskeepers and arborists should attend.
Note: ISA continuing education units (CEU's) available.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Todd Irvine, MFC, MA, ISA Certified Arborist
Date: Tuesday March 11, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
OL029: Turfgrass Care
What are the basics of turfgrass care? What are some of the practices that enhance the client’s lawns? We will explore a few of the common maintenance practices and field some questions as we look at the basics of turf care.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Jeff McMann
Date: Tuesday March 11, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
OL149: NEW - New 2025 Plants and Trends
Don't react to your clients wants and needs after it's to late and the trend has passed.
See what’s new from growers and what trends are key for consumers in outdoor living for the upcoming year.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Jackie Morra, Horticulturalist
Date: Tuesday March 11, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
LD051: NEW - An Introduction to Vectorworks Landmark
Vectorworks is a software specifically designed for the landscape industry with the ability to design in both 2D and 3D. Models can be quickly generated to demonstrate designs to clients, data attached to each element saves time in creating specifications and grading tools create an accurate 3d landscape with cut and fill calculations.
For those designers working with architects, Vectorworks imports and exports easily to Revit and other BIM modelling programs. This introductory seminar will be a general overview of the software. Participants will need to download the trial version of the software ahead of time as you will be modelling a small project together.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Adele Pierre, Adele Pierre Landscape Architect
Date: Wednesday March 12, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
OL087: Bugs and Diseases are Always a Challenge
There is no magic cure for Japanese Beetles.
But learning to identify the seemingly infinite range of bugs and diseases that want to use our landscapes as a dining room is the first step in controlling them. Learning the life cycle of each will show us the best time and stage of development to attack them. That will often allow us a pre-emptive strike against them before they become a visual problem.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Ken Brown, Dallying In the Dirt
Date: Wednesday March 12, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
OL150: NEW - Greening the Future: A New Era of Horticulture
In a world facing unprecedented environmental challenges, landscapes have the potential to become powerful allies in our efforts to create a more sustainable future.
For the eco-conscious landscaper, this presents growing opportunities to become a leader, advocate, and innovator in the field.
This talk will explore how landscapes, big and small, can support wildlife, improve air quality, and conserve water while maintaining aesthetic appeal. By selecting plants that form integrated communities and adopting eco-friendly maintenance practices, landscapers can capitalize on the increasing demand for gardens that support healthy ecosystems.
Learn how to position yourself at the forefront of this movement, driving both environmental and business success.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Cathy Kavassalis, Horticulturalist
Date: Wednesday March 12, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
LBM136: Profitability Begins Before 7 am -The key to a successful morning roll out
Looking for ways to tighten your company's morning routine? This popular seminar is one you should attend before starting your season. The instructor will offer tips to improve efficiency in your yard and get crews on the road and to the client's properties faster.
Topics covered:
*Organization of storage space + yard space using 5s Principles
*The benefits and design of a job trailer
*Communication, keep it simple and timely
*Job binders and information shares
*Planning in advance of the job starting
*Vendor partnerships
*Technology to help you organize the crews
*Employees rewarded for strong performance (Company Culture)

A seminar for owners, crew leaders, general and operation managers.

Note: ISA continuing education units (CEU's) available.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 20
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Greg Wildeboer, Whispering Pines Landscaping
Date: Thursday March 13, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LG051: NEW - Picking the Right Fertilizer
An introduction to fertilizers, reviewing various options including both synthetic and organic. Learn how to select the right fertilizer for an application and how to use soil test results. Understand how the macro-nutrients travel through soil and how this affects proper application.
Plant requirements will also be discussed along with any need of plant specific fertilizer as well as identification of deficiencies based on leaf characteristics. Application rates, and timing for different seasons is also important.
Lunch not included

LO member price: $80.00
Non-member price: $143.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Robert Pavlis, Aspen Grove Gardens
Date: Thursday March 13, 2025 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
OL151: NEW -Underrated and Underutilized Plants for the Residential Landscape
Get ready to discover some of the hidden gems of the landscape.
This interactive session will introduce you to a diverse range of under-the-radar plants that can add flair, texture, and colour to your landscape projects while standing out from the usual suspects. From quirky ground covers to stunning but lesser-known flowering plants, you’ll learn how to incorporate these unique species into your landscape design for a fresh and dynamic outdoor space.
With visual and practical tips, you'll feel inspired to break free from the ordinary and confident to suggest to your client a both beautiful and truly one-of-a-kind landscape. Along with a digital plant list attendees will get introduced to some plants that are easy to source, maintain AND are proven performers in the landscape.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Heather Jerrard, My Landscape Artist
Date: Thursday March 13, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
LC077: NEW - Designing and Building Award-Winning Water Features
This advanced water feature workshop will cover the technical and artistic aspects of pond, stream, and waterfall design. We'll focus on advanced plumbing & filtration, flow rates & water volumes, liner tips & tricks, leak prevention & detection, and rock selection & placement.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Derek Lippert, Quiet Nature Ltd.
Date: Friday March 14, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LA012: Fungamentals 1: The Basics of Tree and Fungi Interactions
In the urban environment trees and fungi are inseparable. The role fungi play in keeping trees alive, and on the other hand shortening their life, is not only critical to arborists and clients, but also those of us who maintain and build landscapes around these trees.
As professionals, we can bring this world to life for our clients, protect their assets from needless damage during construction, and bring immense value through deeper understanding.
This seminar will cover ID skills for decay fungi, introduce ecology of mycorrhizal fungi, fungal pathogens and how cankers form, techniques for preventing the effects of harmful fungi during and after construction, as well as management techniques for both young and old trees that play host to cankers and other common fungi.
Participants will leave with confidence in field ID, explaining fungal pathology to clients, and understanding the cost management and prevention of issues.
Note: 5.67 IPM Accreditation continuing education credits (CEC) 5.67
Note: ISA continuing education units (CEU's) available

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Kyle McLauglin, Ironwood Arboricultural Solutions Inc
Date: Friday March 14, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
OL153: NEW - Profit Killers for Contractors
Profit is ultimately the output of a healthy business. And there are a ton of ways to lose it, causing a lot of stress and frustrations. That said, you can simplify the profit suckers down to 2 main categories, which helps clarify your vision for planning for profitability and ensure you don't fall into the common pitfalls that suck your business dry of profits.
We're going to deep dive into each of those two profit killers, and share a game plan for how to overcome them. And, ultimately, ACHIEVE the profits of a healthy business.
Three things people learn:
What is sucking cash out of your business.
How to stop it.
How to build a system that puts this prevention on autopilot

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Weston Zimmerman, Synkedup
Date: Friday March 14, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
LI003: Irrigation Systems...The ABC's
This hands-on seminar provides an introduction to irrigation systems for landscape applications. Emphasis is placed on irrigation components, what they look like, how they work and how parts go together to create a system.
After attending this seminar, participants will know about spray sprinklers, rotor sprinklers, impact sprinklers,valves,pipe,wire, controllers (basic and ET water saving), rain sensors, plus various fitting methods for connecting pipes. Drip (low volume) components and their water-efficient uses.
This seminar is a good foundation for new employees and those who want to learn about irrigation and irrigation products.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 20
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Steven Hernandez, Groundhog Landscaping
Date: Monday March 17, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LA013: NEW - Fungamentals Theory 2 and 3 – Theory of Planting, Pruning, and Root Management
Join Kyle for a review of industry best practice for planting, pruning and root management. Focus will be on understanding the relationship between trees and fungi, and the role fungi play in these three aspects of plant health care.
Although not required it is recommended that attendees have an in depth understanding of Fungi and Integrated Pest Management principles introduced in Fungamentals 1

Details Covered Include
Half day spent reviewing the intricacies of the relationship between trees and fungi throughout their life cycles.
The second half will introduce the relationships between trees and fungi that live on roots (decay and mycorrhizae), tools for minimizing impact while working around roots and ID skills work.
Participants will also get the chance to inspect and dissecting planting stock that is applicable to technical arborists and plant healthcare professionals.

Expectations and Goals
To improve skills for fungal field ID, the role fungi play in choosing trees for planting, and once planted, how fungi interact with trees above and below ground. The focus is to improve comprehension of the interactions between trees and fungi, built on a scientific foundation. Understanding and communicating signs and symptoms of root impact in the canopy.
Other skills explored - diagnosis of decay, symptoms of root impact in canopy, understanding the relationship between proper planting, root death, and when to use pruning techniques (above and below ground) to preserve trees and extend their valuable service life.
Bracket fungi ID skills – Review of Ganoderma, Kretzschmaria, Armillaria, Laetiporus, and Pholiota
Note: ISA continuing education units (CEU's) available.
Note: 5.67 IPM Accreditation continuing education credits (CEC) available

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Kyle McLauglin, Ironwood Arboricultural Solutions Inc
Date: Monday March 17, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
OL038: Landscape Design Practice- Charging for Designs
Designers in all industries are challenged to be compensated well for their design efforts. Landscape Design is no exception.

Landscape Design Practice explores the best practices implemented in a Landscape Design business. Learn work processes including how to integrate client meetings, what drawings to include and the stages they are implemented. Billing, and contracts are always key components to being paid for landscape design work. Learn different approaches to charging for design services.

This session is for all designers of all levels and Design/Build Firms who would like to charge with confidence and to actually get paid for all your work.

Topics covered in the course:
• Design Log
• Design Contracts
• Client Meetings & Presentations
• The Psychology of Selling your Designs
• Different Ways to Get paid
• Plans and fee schedules

Recommended References Include: Residential Landscape Architecture: by: Norman Booth/James Hiss

This is an online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Beth Edney, Designs By The Yard
Date: Monday March 17, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
OL152: Earthworms – the Silent Invasion
Worms are highly varied and can be found in almost every environment on Earth.
Having published numerous articles John has studied earthworms for over 57 years. His presentation will cover the invasion of European and more recently Asian earthworms in Ontario (e.g. the invasive jumping worms).
Discussing habitat requirements, barriers to migration, and time of first occurrence.

This is an online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: John Reynolds, Oligochaetology Laboratory
Date: Monday March 17, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
LI015: Irrigation Design: An Introduction
This hands-on introductory seminar for those who want to learn how to design an irrigation system.

Irrigation companies planning to offer or already offer new or retrofit irrigation system services along with park professionals, grounds maintenance, and those interested in irrigation design should consider attending. Learning the irrigation design fundamentals, how to create a simple irrigation system design, spray and rotor sprinkler head layout techniques and how to design an efficient system.

Participants will leave understanding how to go through the steps required to ensure a professionally designed water efficient irrigation system.

Each participant will need: An engineer’s scale ruler, pencil and calculator.

Recommended prerequisites: seminars LI003 or a good irrigation background.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Jim Lloyd
Date: Tuesday March 18, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LC019: Grading and Drainage: A Necessary Evil
Grading and drainage can be a tedious task, but it is imperative to get it right in order to achieve success on your next construction job.

This seminar will benefit contractors and designers with little or no familiarity with grading and drainage requirements and processes.

Participants will explore grading principles and standards, and their impact on surface drainage, for most landscape projects. Basic grading calculations, the use of site surveys, the manipulation of land forms, and the preparation of grading details and plans for both surface and in-ground drainage is presented. In-ground drainage considerations are introduced. Typical grading notation methods are also presented. Participants will be required to carry out typical grading calculations and prepare simple grading details.

Participants should bring: scientific calculator, architect's scale and extra paper.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Tony Lombardi, Dr. Landscape Inc.
Date: Tuesday March 18, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LE013-LN: Skid-Steer Certification Training
A seminar for employers who want to undertake due diligence and for individuals who want to learn how to operate a skid steer safely and correctly. Instruction will include basic operator safety, inspection, and equipment features in accordance with applicable OHSA and regulations and equipment manufacturers' guidance. Each participant will undergo classroom evaluation in a simulated job site environment.

NOTE: It is the responsibility of the operator, even after completing the training, to review the specific device they will be operating.

PPE Requirements: Work Boots, Safety Glasses, Reflective Vest/jacket, pen/notebook
Note:Seminar completion time may vary based on class size and operator experience.

Prerequisites: No experience required

NOTE: Participants will receive training certificate upon successful completion of this seminar.
Lunch not included

LO member price: $190.00
Non-member price: $265.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Herc Rentals 26 Royce Crt. London for directions only call 519-649-7014
Instructor: Bruce Hannah, Herc Rentals
Date: Tuesday March 18, 2025 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
OL019: NEW - Designing Vegetables Into Your Perennial Garden
Making the most of our small urban spaces means we need to incorporate both beauty and bounty in the same space. Here we will look at both the basic elements of landscape design and the principles of growing vegetables – and learn how to integrate them.

This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date.

LO member price: $65.00
Non-member price: $80.00
Location: Online Learning -This is a online learning presentation. Digital platform details will be emailed closer to the presentation date
Instructor: Jodi Healy, Horticulturalist
Date: Tuesday March 18, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
LI020: Electrical Troubleshooting for Irrigation Systems
You've been called to a site to investigate why the irrigation system is not starting up. Do you know where to begin when troubleshooting an electric irrigation system? This hands-on seminar will cover what you need to know and the equipment needed to analyze, troubleshoot, locate the problem(s), repair the problem and get things working.

Participants will learn:
• Basic electricity theory, volts, watts, ohms, electrons, conductors, insulators, etc.
• How to use your volt/ohm multimeter so that by investigating the system at the controller you will learn what the meter readings are telling you and…
• To troubleshoot electrical problems from the controller without going outside.
• Test power sources, transformers, controller terminal strip output, power wires, field wires, solenoids, sensor wires, wire connections, and batteries.
• What resistance readings can tell you about the health of the irrigation system.
• Locate buried wires to find hidden valves. Find ground faults.
• How to correctly ground an irrigation controller, sports field and golf course pedestal irrigation controllers with ground rods and cadwelds.

This seminar will help save hours, allowing you to be more efficient at troubleshooting AC and DC power sources, volt/ohm meters, irrigation equipment electrical requirements and how to test many devices.

Note:Participants should bring along a basic inexpensive multimeter for testing wiring.

Note:This seminar includes some hands-on learning. Participants should have PPE available - CSA approved footwear and eyewear.

Recommended prerequisites: seminars LI003 or a good irrigation background.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Jim Lloyd
Date: Wednesday March 19, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LC020: Grading And Drainage: Intermediate Seminar
This seminar is for those who have had some exposure to grading design and installation or attended the introductory seminar LC019. A detailed, in-depth study of both surface and subsurface drainage considerations is presented. Areas covered include detailed grading standards and associated requirements, basic cut-and-fill calculations, erosion control, ground rules for effective and safe grading practices and design and construction requirements for retaining walls.

Participants will prepare a full grading plan case study for a residential site with non-typical grading issues, carry out typical grading calculations and prepare simple grading details.

Participants should bring: scientific calculator, an architect's scale and extra paper.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Tony Lombardi, Dr. Landscape Inc.
Date: Wednesday March 19, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LE010-DU: Skid Steer Loader/Mini-Excavator
This newly developed program covers the essentials required to use a Skid Steer and Mini-Excavator in Ontario and is compliant with provincial training requirements.
Topics reviewed include: Legislation, workplace inspection, equipment inspection (and review of equipment components), safe operation, stability concepts, and basic operating techniques.
Following the classroom portion there is also a hands-on session where students will implement the principals reviewed during theory.
PPE Requirements: Work Boots, Safety Glasses, Reflective Vest/jacket, pen/notebook
Note:Seminar completion time may vary based on class size and operator experience.
Prerequisites: No experience required
NOTE: Participants will receive training certificate upon successful completion of this seminar.

Lunch not included

LO member price: $330.00
Non-member price: $405.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Herc Rentals 411 Bloor West, Oshawa (905) 404-8411
Instructor: Bruce Hannah, Herc Rentals
Date: Thursday March 20, 2025 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
LP065: NEW - So Much To Learn (About Roses) So Little Time
Not today, we have an entire day set aside to discuss all about roses and answer your questions and concerns.
Starting from planting to pruning to winter care, we will explore the many ways to have a beautiful rose garden.
Care and maintenance will be extensively covered as well. We may even a prune a few roses in the class or outside.
Bring your enthusiasm and secateurs and spend a day with rosarians.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 20
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Jeff McMann
Date: Thursday March 20, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LI034: NEW - Drip Irrigation Design, Installation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting
The efficient use of drip irrigation has become even more necessary because of the expanding population, climatic change, stretched and stressed water resources, and the higher cost of potable water.
It is therefore incumbent on irrigation contractors to use and install the most efficient components and systems available. Drip irrigation is the most efficient method for watering landscape beds and small turf areas,
This seminar will cover the basics of drip irrigation components, layout/design, plant water requirements, scheduling, maintenance, and troubleshooting.
Note: Participants should bring note taking materials.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Jim Lloyd
Date: Thursday March 20, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LI006: Irrigation Component Repair and Troubleshooting
This seminar is for both new and experienced irrigation personnel, covering the most common problems and how you can analyze them on the job.
Participants will learn:
* Hands-on how to cut and clamp poly pipe
* Proper method for PVC pipe priming and gluing
* Methods and approaches to solve common problems
* How to install PVC repair couplings and telescopic devices for quick fixes.
* Teflon taping application for preventing connection leaks
* Proper method for wiring an irrigation system.
* Tools needed in your truck,spare parts and other helpful items
* How to repair or replace a component that is malfunctioning

Note: This seminar includes hands-on learning. PPE should be available - CSA approved footwear and eyewear.

Recommended prerequisites: seminars LI003 or a good irrigation background.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Steve Brewer, Wright Landscape Services Inc.
Date: Friday March 21, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LC058: Laser Levels, Spot and Job Site Elevation Layouts
This is a seminar for all members of your construction and design team. Participants should dress for outdoor site measurement and spot elevations collection. The group will practice using laser levels to gather information to be used in-class to translate into a site plan. Participants will leave with a better understanding of how simple planning and information gathering prior to construction will improve site efficiency and enhance results.

Participants should bring: A scale ruler and calculator. Although some laser levels will be available participants should bring their own to maximize the value of this seminar.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Tony Lombardi, Dr. Landscape Inc.
Date: Friday March 21, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LE012-LN: Chainsaw Training
To promote the safety of landscape professionals using chainsaws, the MOL requires training on safe chainsaw operation by a competent instructor. This two-day seminar satisfies that requirement.
Day 1 will cover:
Day 2 will cover:
*Hands on
*Cutting/bucking limbs/logs

NOTE: The condition of the chainsaw is an important requirement for this training. For participants to effectively learn in a safe environment, their chainsaw must be in safe operational order. Saws that do not meet the requirements below will not be approved for use during the seminars.
-Functioning chain brake and rear trigger interlock.
-Front and rear handles must be free of structural cracks.
-No fuel leaks present.
-Chain catcher tab/pin is present and intact.

Each participant will required to supply and bring:
CSA approved work boots.
CSA approved hardhat in good condition.
CSA approved safety eye wear.
Chainsaw pants or chaps approved for use in Ontario.
Hearing protection (muff style or in-ear).
Leather gloves, flat file, depth gauge tool, round file, file holder.
Chainsaw wrench (scrench).
Fuel and chain oil in appropriate containers.

Lunch not included.

LO member price: $275.00
Non-member price: $528.00
Location: London area - TBA (To Be Advised)
Instructor: Rick MacKinnon, Davey Trees
Dates: Saturday March 22, 2025 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sunday March 23, 2025 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
LG052: NEW - Container, Planters to Enhance an Outdoor Space
Exceed your customers’ expectations.
Covering the basics of planter design, the instructor will talk about some of the new trends like; up-cycled planters, he will also talk about some of the less conventional plant material that can take a planter and make it something more interesting. The instructor also briefly covers estimating/costing, and the benefits of offering this service.
Come away able to design magnificent planters that will keep you busy for the season.

Lunch not included

LO member price: $80.00
Non-member price: $146.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Spencer Hauck, Sandhill Botanical
Date: Monday March 24, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LI026: Irrigation Boot Camp
This fast-paced two-day seminar is an overview for those with at least two seasons of irrigation experience or who have attended seminar LI003.

We will briefly review the main irrigation components that make up an automatic landscape irrigation system.

Topics covered include; sprays, rotors, impacts, pipe, wire, controllers, sensors, low volume drip emitters, landscape dripline, drip zone kits, dirty water valves, Weather and Cloud based ET controllers and sensors and wiring an irrigation system. Through hands-on learning, you will come away knowing how to build a professional system.

Note: To help establish your personal competence level, participants will get to write a one hour assessment at the end of day two.

Note: Participants are also required to bring personal protection equipment (PPE), including hand, ear and eye protection and CSA work boots.

LO member price: $320.00
Non-member price: $570.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Steven Hernandez, Groundhog Landscaping
Dates: Monday March 24, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Tuesday March 25, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LE010-OT: Skid Steer Loader/Mini-Excavator
This newly developed program covers the essentials required to use a Skid Steer and Mini-Excavator in Ontario and is compliant with provincial training requirements.
Topics reviewed include: Legislation, workplace inspection, equipment inspection (and review of equipment components), safe operation, stability concepts, and basic operating techniques.
Following the classroom portion there is also a hands-on session where students will implement the principals reviewed during theory.
PPE Requirements: Work Boots, Safety Glasses, Reflective Vest/jacket, pen/notebook
Note:Seminar completion time may vary based on class size and operator experience.
Prerequisites: No experience required
NOTE: Participants will receive training certificate upon successful completion of this seminar.

Lunch not included

LO member price: $330.00
Non-member price: $405.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Herc Rentals 860 Belfast Rd., Ottawa for directions cal (613) 244-4388
Instructor: Bruce Hannah, Herc Rentals
Date: Monday March 24, 2025 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
LE012-KW: Chainsaw Training
To promote the safety of landscape professionals using chainsaws, the MOL requires training on safe chainsaw operation by a competent instructor. This two-day seminar satisfies that requirement.
Day 1 will cover:
Day 2 will cover:
*Hands on
*Cutting/bucking limbs/logs

NOTE: The condition of the chainsaw is an important requirement for this training. For participants to effectively learn in a safe environment, their chainsaw must be in safe operational order. Saws that do not meet the requirements below will not be approved for use during the seminars.
-Functioning chain brake and rear trigger interlock.
-Front and rear handles must be free of structural cracks.
-No fuel leaks present.
-Chain catcher tab/pin is present and intact.

Each participant will required to supply and bring:
CSA approved work boots.
CSA approved hardhat in good condition.
CSA approved safety eye wear.
Chainsaw pants or chaps approved for use in Ontario.
Hearing protection (muff style or in-ear).
Leather gloves, flat file, depth gauge tool, round file, file holder.
Chainsaw wrench (scrench).
Fuel and chain oil in appropriate containers.

Lunch not included.

LO member price: $275.00
Non-member price: $528.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Allgreen Tree Service 155 Union St. Elmira for directions call 519-669-0857
Instructor: Mike Hayes, Allgreen Tree Service
Dates: Tuesday March 25, 2025 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wednesday March 26, 2025 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
LE010-KW: Skid Steer Loader/Mini-Excavator
This newly developed program covers the essentials required to use a Skid Steer and Mini-Excavator in Ontario and is compliant with provincial training requirements.
Topics reviewed include: Legislation, workplace inspection, equipment inspection (and review of equipment components), safe operation, stability concepts, and basic operating techniques.
Following the classroom portion there is also a hands-on session where students will implement the principals reviewed during theory.
PPE Requirements: Work Boots, Safety Glasses, Reflective Vest/jacket, pen/notebook
Note:Seminar completion time may vary based on class size and operator experience.
Prerequisites: No experience required
NOTE: Participants will receive training certificate upon successful completion of this seminar.

Lunch not included

LO member price: $330.00
Non-member price: $405.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Herc Rentals 500 Collier MacMillan Dr., Cambridge, for directions only,call 519-624-7940
Instructor: Bruce Hannah, Herc Rentals
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2025 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
LA003: Introduction to Tree Pruning
Sold Out!
Pruning is among the most effective method for landscape professionals to improve the form, growth and health of trees. This seminar includes both classroom and hands-on instruction outdoors to develop skill and confidence in pruning basics. Participants learn the what, where, why and how of successful pruning for trees. The seminar focuses on pruning of young trees to develop good structure, aesthetics and health. Along with review of health and safety and regulatory considerations.

Outdoor hands-on instruction:
Participants should dress for the weather, and bring PPE (personal protection equipment): gloves, CSA- approved footwear, eyewear, etc., and hand secateurs.
Note: ISA continuing education units (CEU's) available.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 12
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Todd Irvine, MFC, MA, ISA Certified Arborist
Date: Thursday March 27, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LI035: NEW - Profitable Pricing and Selling Irrigation Systems
You know all the best practices to install, maintain, and troubleshoot irrigation systems.
But do you know how to install, maintain, and troubleshoot the business side of your business?
This seminar will present sound business practices to ensure your business will survive and prosper. The Profitable Pricing portion will show methods of how to accurately determine and incorporate all business costs into a profitable selling price. As well as provide a sound sales method, which will enhance your ability to close more sales at a truly profitable price.
Note: Experience levels from beginner to 5 plus years.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Jim Lloyd
Date: Thursday March 27, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LE010-GH: Skid Steer Loader/Mini-Excavator
This newly developed program covers the essentials required to use a Skid Steer and Mini-Excavator in Ontario and is compliant with provincial training requirements.
Topics reviewed include: Legislation, workplace inspection, equipment inspection (and review of equipment components), safe operation, stability concepts, and basic operating techniques.
Following the classroom portion there is also a hands-on session where students will implement the principals reviewed during theory.
PPE Requirements: Work Boots, Safety Glasses, Reflective Vest/jacket, pen/notebook
Note:Seminar completion time may vary based on class size and operator experience.
Prerequisites: No experience required
NOTE: Participants will receive training certificate upon successful completion of this seminar.

Lunch not included

LO member price: $330.00
Non-member price: $405.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Herc Rentals, 2418 Barton St. E., Hamilton (905) 545-2233 (for directions)
Instructor: Bruce Hannah, Herc Rentals
Date: Thursday March 27, 2025 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
LS026: Emergency 1st Aid, CPR C & AED Certification
This one-day seminar designed to give participants a general overview of first aid. Participants will learn how to think and react in an emergency until medical help arrives. This seminar is suitable for those working as first responders in their workplace.
Topics covered include:
*Preventing of disease transmission
*Airway and breathing emergencies
*CPR for adults and children
*Cardiovascular emergencies/strokes
*Spinal precaution
*Managing bleeds
*Fainting and more
*AED (Automated External Defibrillator) training

First Aid is valid for three years, AED Certification one year. Annual CPR certification is recommended.

Prerequisite Only participants who have completed their 2 day Standard First Aid,CPR C & AED Certification training are eligible to attend.
Note: ISA continuing education units (CEU's) available.

LO member price: $120.00
Non-member price: $236.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Representative from, SAJE Vital Signs
Date: Friday March 28, 2025 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
LA003: Introduction to Tree Pruning
Pruning is among the most effective method for landscape professionals to improve the form, growth and health of trees. This seminar includes both classroom and hands-on instruction outdoors to develop skill and confidence in pruning basics. Participants learn the what, where, why and how of successful pruning for trees. The seminar focuses on pruning of young trees to develop good structure, aesthetics and health. Along with review of health and safety and regulatory considerations.

Outdoor hands-on instruction:
Participants should dress for the weather, and bring PPE (personal protection equipment): gloves, CSA- approved footwear, eyewear, etc., and hand secateurs.
Note: ISA continuing education units (CEU's) available.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 12
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Todd Irvine, MFC, MA, ISA Certified Arborist
Date: Friday March 28, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LS007: Standard First Aid with CPR Level C and AED Certification
This two-day practical first aid course meets government requirements and prepares participants to administer first aid for common landscape injuries. Every landscape crew must have one person with first aid training to assist injured workers. Participants should bring a blanket.
Topics covered included;
* Musculoskeletal Injuries
* Spinal precautions
* Soft tissue injuries (bruises, burns, and frostbite, etc)
* Heat and cold temperature emergencies
* Poisons.
* One rescuer adult/child/baby CPR
* Two rescuer adult/child CPR
* Adult/child/baby choking
* Barrier devices/pocket masks
* AED (Automated External Defibrillator) training
Note: ISA continuing education units (CEU's) available.

LO member price: $185.00
Non-member price: $315.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Representative from, SAJE Vital Signs
Dates: Monday March 31, 2025 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Tuesday April 1, 2025 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
LE012: Chainsaw Training
To promote the safety of landscape professionals using chainsaws, the MOL requires training on safe chainsaw operation by a competent instructor. This two-day seminar satisfies that requirement.
Day 1 will cover:
Day 2 will cover:
*Hands on
*Cutting/bucking limbs/logs

NOTE: The condition of the chainsaw is an important requirement for this training. For participants to effectively learn in a safe environment, their chainsaw must be in safe operational order. Saws that do not meet the requirements below will not be approved for use during the seminars.
-Functioning chain brake and rear trigger interlock.
-Front and rear handles must be free of structural cracks.
-No fuel leaks present.
-Chain catcher tab/pin is present and intact.

Each participant will required to supply and bring:
CSA approved work boots.
CSA approved hardhat in good condition.
CSA approved safety eye wear.
Chainsaw pants or chaps approved for use in Ontario.
Hearing protection (muff style or in-ear).
Leather gloves, flat file, depth gauge tool, round file, file holder.
Chainsaw wrench (scrench).
Fuel and chain oil in appropriate containers.

Lunch not included.

LO member price: $240.00
Non-member price: $430.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Representative from Davey Tree
Dates: Tuesday April 1, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Wednesday April 2, 2025 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
LE013: Skid-Steer Certification Training
A seminar for employers who want to undertake due diligence and for individuals who want to learn how to operate a skid steer safely and correctly. Instruction will include basic operator safety, inspection, and equipment features in accordance with applicable OHSA and regulations and equipment manufacturers' guidance. Each participant will undergo classroom evaluation in a simulated job site environment.

NOTE: It is the responsibility of the operator, even after completing the training, to review the specific device they will be operating.

PPE Requirements: Work Boots, Safety Glasses, Reflective Vest/jacket, pen/notebook
Note:Seminar completion time may vary based on class size and operator experience.

Prerequisites: No experience required

NOTE: Participants will receive training certificate upon successful completion of this seminar.
Lunch not included

LO member price: $190.00
Non-member price: $265.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Herc Rentals, 89 Hear Lake Rd. South, Brampton - For directions only call 416-679-4179
Instructor: Bruce Hannah, Herc Rentals
Date: Tuesday April 1, 2025 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
LA010: Advanced Pruning Seminar
Sold Out!
Many landscaper professionals hesitate to prune small trees and shrubs. They feel that may injure or permanently disfigure the plant. In this seminar you will review the basics of pruning then learn some advanced strategies and techniques so that you can encourage proper plant structure, reduce long term maintenance and hazards that can arise from improperly pruned plants.

Learn the reasons and timing for pruning of many different types of shrubs and small trees. We will look at restoration, structural and fruit tree pruning. This seminar includes both classroom and hands-on instruction outdoors to develop skill and confidence in pruning basics. Please dress for the weather and do not forget your secateurs and PPE.
Note: ISA continuing education units (CEU's) available.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 12
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Jeff McMann
Date: Wednesday April 2, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LE010: Skid Steer Loader/Mini-Excavator
This newly developed program covers the essentials required to use a Skid Steer and Mini-Excavator in Ontario and is compliant with provincial training requirements.
Topics reviewed include: Legislation, workplace inspection, equipment inspection (and review of equipment components), safe operation, stability concepts, and basic operating techniques.
Following the classroom portion there is also a hands-on session where students will implement the principals reviewed during theory.
PPE Requirements: Work Boots, Safety Glasses, Reflective Vest/jacket, pen/notebook
Note:Seminar completion time may vary based on class size and operator experience.
Prerequisites: No experience required
NOTE: Participants will receive training certificate upon successful completion of this seminar.

Lunch not included

LO member price: $330.00
Non-member price: $405.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Herc Rentals, 89 Hear Lake Rd. South, Brampton - For directions only call 416-679-4179
Instructor: Bruce Hannah, Herc Rentals
Date: Wednesday April 2, 2025 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
LA010: Advanced Pruning Seminar
Many landscaper professionals hesitate to prune small trees and shrubs. They feel that may injure or permanently disfigure the plant. In this seminar you will review the basics of pruning then learn some advanced strategies and techniques so that you can encourage proper plant structure, reduce long term maintenance and hazards that can arise from improperly pruned plants.

Learn the reasons and timing for pruning of many different types of shrubs and small trees. We will look at restoration, structural and fruit tree pruning. This seminar includes both classroom and hands-on instruction outdoors to develop skill and confidence in pruning basics. Please dress for the weather and do not forget your secateurs and PPE.
Note: ISA continuing education units (CEU's) available.

LO member price: $160.00
Non-member price: $285.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Landscape Ontario, 7856 5th Line S., Milton
Instructor: Jeff McMann
Date: Thursday April 3, 2025 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
LE004: Compact Excavator Safe Operator Training
For employers who want to undertake due diligence. This seminar covers the fundamentals of daily maintenance, machine controls, safe operating practices/techniques, and legal considerations for compact excavators found on many job sites. In addition to class time, participants will be given the opportunity to operate and demonstrate proficiency on a compact excavator in a simulated job-site environment.

Note: It is the responsibility of the operator, even after completing the seminar, to review the specific equipment they will be operating.

PPE Requirements: Work Boots, Safety Glasses, Reflective Vest/jacket, pen/notebook
Note:Seminar completion time may vary based on class size and operator experience.
Prerequisites: No experience required
NOTE: Participants will receive training certificate upon successful completion of this seminar.
Lunch not included

LO member price: $190.00
Non-member price: $265.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Herc Rentals, 89 Hear Lake Rd. South, Brampton - For directions only call 416-679-4179
Instructor: Bruce Hannah, Herc Rentals
Date: Thursday April 3, 2025 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
LE010: Skid Steer Loader/Mini-Excavator
This newly developed program covers the essentials required to use a Skid Steer and Mini-Excavator in Ontario and is compliant with provincial training requirements.
Topics reviewed include: Legislation, workplace inspection, equipment inspection (and review of equipment components), safe operation, stability concepts, and basic operating techniques.
Following the classroom portion there is also a hands-on session where students will implement the principals reviewed during theory.
PPE Requirements: Work Boots, Safety Glasses, Reflective Vest/jacket, pen/notebook
Note:Seminar completion time may vary based on class size and operator experience.
Prerequisites: No experience required
NOTE: Participants will receive training certificate upon successful completion of this seminar.

Lunch not included

LO member price: $330.00
Non-member price: $405.00
Maximum participants: 10
Location: Herc Rentals, 89 Hear Lake Rd. South, Brampton - For directions only call 416-679-4179
Instructor: Bruce Hannah, Herc Rentals
Date: Friday April 4, 2025 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
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